Our Team

Saba Mehrzad (she/her)

Founder and Advisor

Saba is a senior at Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

She first started studying women in history when she interned at the New Historia under Women's Studies Professor Dr. Walker. Once she started studying Sedigheh Dolatabadi, felt energized and impassioned to celebrate her Iranian American background because of Dolatabadi's amazing accomplishments. Inspired by The New Historia and Sedigheh Dolatabadi, Saba created True Resilience in order to allow True Resilience writers/readers to feel empowered by their identity.

Outside of True Resilience, Saba is the Founder and President of the Iranian American Youth Group (IAYG) which promotes and celebrates the Iranian culture while also uniting people impacted by the Iranian diaspora within a supportive community.

Saba's work can be found on the "Our Discoveries" page!

Chloe Lee

Executive Director & Director of Research

Chloe is a senior in Scarsdale High School in Westchester, New York.

She has always been fascinated by the intersection of history and gender roles and has a strong passion for elevating marginalized voices, promoting women’s empowerment, and intersectional feminism. Therefore, she is grateful to be in such an amazing community that strives to change the narrative of women’s contributions and hopes to continue shedding light on their stories.

Outside of True Resilience, Chloe is involved in the nonprofits Dear Asian Youth and Bring Change to Mind, advocating for racial justice and destigmatizing mental health. She is also captain of her school’s speech and debate team, president of her school’s Student Against Violence Club, creative director for her school’s newspaper, and a volunteer at her local library.

In her free time, she loves to bake, write creatively, watch romcoms, listen to Taylor Swift (and more!), learn about psychology, play piano, and partake in competitive speech! She is excited to continue expanding True Resilience!

Chloe’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Emma Lopez (she/her)

Director of Web Development, Senior Editor, and Student Researcher

Emma is a senior at Riverside Brookfield High School in Brookfield, IL.

As a Mexican-American daughter, Emma has learned the significance of representation, and she is devoted to fighting for advocacy to close the gender and cultural gaps in STEM. Seeing the lack of diverse voices in technology motivated her to make an impact to change the world through education.

Outside of True Resilience, she has been involved in GirlCon, Kode With Klossy, Little League Coding, and Codifica + Code to advance gender and racial equity. At school, she is active in the Organization of Latin American Students, Girls Who Code, Girl Up, cybersecurity club, and newspaper club. In her free time, she watches rom-coms, reads memoirs, listens to Stevie Nicks, drinks matcha lattes with oat milk (especially with cinnamon!), spends time with friends and family, and munches on paletas de fresas con crema.

Emma’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Roopeksha Agrawal

Director of Social Media, Junior Editor, and Student Researcher

Roopeksha is a junior at West De Pere High School in De Pere, WI.

Roopeksha has always been an avid reader with a myriad of interests and has appreciated the insight history provides. She found iFeminst to be the perfect way to do her due diligence to honor the women before her and expand her scope of knowledge.

Outside of True Resilience, she is involved in school clubs such as StingCancer and FCCLA. She enjoys competing in DECA events and performing poetry and prose readings for Forensics competitions. In her free time, Roopeksha loves to find new books to add to her never-ending “to-be-read” list, embroider, paint, and watch movies.

Roopeksha’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Yasmine Bader

Co-Director of Partnerships

Yasmine is a sophomore at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.

Yasmine has always been a passionate advocate for gender equity and an enthusiast of women's history. With a strong commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable world, Yasmine brings knowledge and enthusiasm to True Resilience.

Yasmine's journey into gender equity advocacy began in her childhood years, inspired by powerful stories of trailblazing women who have shaped history. Growing up, Yasmine read plenty of books from the "Who Was...?" book series where she read about Amelia Earhart, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and other amazing female role models. It was during this era in her life where her spark of learning about the contributions and struggles of women were ignited.

Outside of True Resilience, she has been involved with the American Red Cross, where she advocated for the implementation and education of International Humanitarian Law, the NAACP where she served as Vice President and represented 17 towns and cities, and currently serves as the Co-Director of Operations at IDEA, an on-campus Venture Accelerator program. In her free time, she paints, listens to James Arthur, and read.


Janna Han

Senior Editor

Janna is a high school junior from New Jersey.

Janna joined True Resilience because she noticed the lack of female representation in her STEM classes and debate team. Through True Resilience, she hopes that more women in STEM will be given credit for their contributions to science.

At her school, Janna holds positions in her school’s debate and microbiology clubs, and she plays on her school’s varsity tennis team. Also, she plays the oboe for her school’s band. In her free time, Janna likes to read, embroider, and run.

Luiza Ramos Ferauche

Junior Editor

Luiza is a sophomore at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL.

While majoring in mechanical engineering, Luiza has noticed the lack of female representation in her STEM classes and extracurriculars. From this experience, Luiza realized the importance of empowering young girls, so they do not feel insecure or discouraged in choosing a male-dominated career. As a previous student researcher and junior editor at True Resilience, she seeks to give voice to women's achievements in every field to inspire young girls and help increase female representation in STEM.

Passionate about tech and aerospace, Luiza is a Kode With Klossy alumni and current student at the NASA L'SPACE Academy. She is also an editor at various organizations, including the prestigious Young Scientists Journal. In her free time, Luiza enjoys listening to music, watching thriller series on Netflix, and spending time with her family and friends.

Irene Jung

Junior Editor & Student Researcher

Irene is a Senior at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois.

Inspired by the impact women have made throughout history, Irene admires those who have broken boundaries in fields she is passionate about and those who have changed the course of her Korean culture. Through research, she expands her knowledge and respect for women whose remarkable accomplishments are often overlooked. By working with True Resilience, Irene she shares stories of the women who have inspired her, hoping to inspire others as well.

In addition to her work with True Resilience, Irene is passionate about public health. She actively engages in primary substance use prevention within her community, from volunteering to activism. As the president of her school's youth substance-use prevention club, Catalyst, and a board representative for Stand Strong and Prevention First, Irene hopes to lead youth in her community to healthy lifestyles.

In her free time, Irene enjoys taking walks with her mom, journaling, going to the gym, or watching her comfort show, Reply 1988!

Irene's work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Community Council

Navya Dubey

Community Council Member

Navya is a senior at Heritage High School in Frisco, TX.

She is excited to be part of True Resilience because she is passionate about advocating for gender equality and empowering women through education and research. She believes that gender equality is fundamental to creating a just and equitable society and is dedicated to addressing systemic issues that women face. This passion stems from her experiences and observations of gender disparities, which drive her commitment to making a tangible impact. Navya is also interested in the medical field, where she aims to further contribute to improving women's health and well-being. Besides True Resilience, she is actively involved in organizations like Project Pink, Aid4Need, and Project Linus, where she engages in leadership roles and community service. She enjoys playing with her dog, hanging out with friends and family, and dancing in her free time.

Nekeisha Matta (she/her)

Community Council Member

Nekeisha is a senior at Independence High School in Ashburn, VA.

Nekeisha am so excited to be a part of this wonderful community here at True Resilience! As a first-generation Asian girl, Nekeisha is constantly looking to inspire others who once didn't think they could make a difference. Inclusivity and activism are two things Nekeisha strongly represents, and for her, being able to spread more of them at True Resilience is something amazing! Besides True Resilience, Nekeisha runs a non-profit chapter called TreePlenish, runs a fashion blog, is part of the student council, and is a volunteer at her community farm!

Social Media

Karishma Pandya (she/her)


She was raised in an Indian patriarchal society and has noticed the demeaning treatment towards women, causing her to be passionate about gender equality. She loves being a part of True Resilience because she gets to stand up for women's rights and tell stories that are forgotten. She loves learning about South Asian women and women who made strides in science.

Karishma has done Bharatanatyam - Indian Classical Dance, for twelve years and is Vice President of her school's Salsa dancing and National Honor Society club. She also loves volunteering for her local children's gym and tutoring students in mathematics. In her free time, you can find her reading any genre of books, listening to Bollywood music, on a run, or dancing.

Student Researchers

Elisa Garbil

Student Researcher

Elisa is a recent postgraduate from the University of Bath, United Kingdom.

Elisa’s interests in gender studies, and especially in gender politics, arose during her exchange at the University of Sydney where she took a class in Gender, Security and Human Rights. This sparked the willingness to learn more and her interests in how gender influences politics, security, international relations, and daily life.

Elisa is currently job-hunting and enriching herself with courses and research she believes she is still lacking knowledge in. She loves doing research and spends most of her free time reading books (fiction and nonfiction), doing yoga, bullet journalling, and taking care of her plants.

Elisa’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Sienna Halstead

Student Researcher

Sienna Halstead is a senior at Burr and Burton Academy in Southern Vermont.

Sienna has always had a curious mind, with a desire to share the knowledge she learns. She is especially passionate about feminism and women’s history, and hopes to help contribute to the education of other young people about impactful women in history.

Outside of iFeminst, Sienna works at a local bookstore in her hometown and a Mexican-style restaurant. She loves talking to her coworkers about all things under the sun, and considers them second family. She volunteers at the nearest hospital to her town in her free time, is president of the Astronomy Club, and Vice President of the UNA-USA Club at her highschool. She enjoys reading, drawing, and hiking.

Sienna's work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Dooshima Tobias

Student Researcher

Dooshima is a student in her final year at Benue State University, Nigeria in Makurdi, Benue.

She is excited about carrying out research for True Resilience because not only does she learn more about inspirational women, she gets to share their stories with others.

As a woman living in Nigeria, Dooshima's interest in women's rights stems from recognizing the existing inequality in Nigeria’s political sphere.

Dooshima’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Dumisile Nhlema

Student Researcher

Dumisile Nhlema is a 28-year-old writer and Education student based in Johannesburg, South Africa. She runs her blog, Writing While Disrupted, in her free time while working part-time. Her interest in writing about life from a woman’s perspective inspired her to read about women’s experiences and she has joined True Resilience to tell their stories. Her favorite hobbies are reading, watching movies, and YouTube vlogs.

Dumisile's work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Estelle Sia Yu Qi

Student Researcher

Estelle is a Cambridge A-Levels student from Malaysia.

From a young age, she has lived with her principles that there are no limits for women, so you can say she has been a feminist since day 1. As a woman in STEM, Estelle is aware of the gender gap in science. She hopes to contribute through True Resilience by recognizing the women who have made today possible and built our world yet are commonly overlooked and forgotten.

Estelle is an active student whose interests range from the sciences to the humanities. She has competed in international debate, speech, and essay competitions. As an aspiring biomedical science student, she continues to find opportunities to present her passion, whether it is through tutoring or research. Outside her busy academics, she enjoys listening to Taylor Swift, reading a good romance, watching a TV show, and writing.

Estelle's work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Paramitha Pratha

Student Researcher

Paramitha is a Junior at Wayzata High School in Plymouth, Minnesota.

Paramitha’s interest in feminism and women’s empowerment is hard to trace. She feels these ideas have been inside of her for her entire life. However, they were amplified throughout her childhood as she became familiar with her expected role as a young woman in her community. She began to see how these ideas manifested outside her community in places like school or work, where she noticed that women’s contributions in various fields tend to be ignored. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to explore these issues further as a member of True Resilience’s team.

Paramitha is captain of her school’s varsity mock trial team and is also a member of her state’s Youth in Government program as an elected official. She is an Indian Classical dancer, which has amplified her interest in celebrating her South Indian roots. Performing arts is definitely her passion, as she plays piano and violin. In her free time, she loves listening to music, reading books from virtually every genre, watching standup comedy, and taking her dog on walks around local parks.

Paramitha’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Navya Saitala

Student Researcher

Navya Saitala is a junior at Cypress Ranch High School in Cypress, Texas, USA.

She is excited to be a member of the True Resilience Research team to shine a spotlight on women and their contributions, especially those who have been left out of history’s narrative. She is excited to collaborate with like-minded women who share the same passion and drive for uplifting the women of the past, present, and future, and cannot wait to make a difference in the world!

Other Activities/Hobbies: Reading,Drawing, Baking/Cooking, and learning new things!

Navya’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Sadie Louise Springer (she/her)

Student Researcher

Sadie is an incoming freshman at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. Here she will be studying journalism, political science, and law.

Sadie decided to be a part of the True Resilience Research Team because of her long-standing passion for women empowerment, and her love of writing to capture individual stories. Throughout her time at Riverside Brookfield High School, Sadie dedicated much of her time to the school newspaper, the Clarion. This is where Sadie discovered her passion for journalism. In her free time, Sadie participates in golf with her grandfather and brother. She reads and paints, and enjoys baking occasionally. Sadie also enjoys giving back to her local community by volunteering. Her favorite movie is The Notebook.

Sadie’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Sabrina David

Student Researcher

Sabrina studies at the University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus. She is entering her 3rd year of undergrad starting September 2024.

Sabrina’s passion for feminism started due to her personal experiences with gender inequality in a South Asian household. This made her very interested in joining True Resilience as she educates herself and others about underrepresented women throughout history. In True Resilience, and as a STEM major herself, Sabrina hopes to research more about South Asian women in STEM.

During her first year of undergraduate, Sabrina discovered her passion for psychology and human biology. During her free time, she likes to draw, read, dance, and do self-care practices.

Sabrina’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Madeline Kling

Student Researcher

Madeline is a Junior at Cypress Ranch High School in Cypress, Texas.

Madeline’s interest in writing came from her desire to help others and ensure everyone’s voice is heard. As a female who understands underrepresentation, Madeline is excited to spread powerful female voices!

Madeline is co-captain of her school’s cross country team and also runs track. She is also active in theater arts as a fundraising chair and competitive varsity actress. Madeline also created the Young Arts Program to provide children with the skills necessary to pursue the arts. She is co-founder of her school’s Culture Club, as well as vice president of Key Club and FBLA social chair. Madeline also created UnspokenNews, a website publishing articles about global issues that are not commonly discussed. In her free time, she loves to travel and experience new things!

Madeline’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Nimet Aysan

Student Researcher

Nimet is a junior at Mount Lebanon Senior High School in Pittsburgh, PA.

Nimet is originally from İstanbul, Türkiye, but has been growing up in the States for most of her life. Her interest in women's empowerment arose from encountering sexism and prejudice in her day-to-day life, especially in cultural settings. These experiences opened her eyes to the importance of women’s presence in male-dominated spaces where female ideas and beliefs are, unfortunately, very often disregarded. She wants to work towards amplifying women’s voices for those who aren't granted such privilege and eradicate the deficits in women's representation globally.

Outside of True Resilience, Nimet pours her time into her non-profit, Youth for EcoJustice, centered around girls’ involvement in environmental equity in a multicultural manner. Or, as the vice president, she works on expanding Bridge Builders, a youth-led group focused on interfaith collaboration, and interns at the Journalists and Writers Foundation. In school, she co-founded the SAFE (Student Alliance for Equality) Club, she's also part of her area’s Global Studies Program, and the Future Business Leaders of America chapter. In her spare time, Nimet loves visiting new places, hanging out with friends, and listening to music of all genres, with an impressive 100,000 minutes on her Spotify-wrapped!

Nimet’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Olivia Kim

Student Researcher

Olivia is a junior at Stuyvesant High School in New York City, NY.

Olivia’s interest in gender studies arose from her experiences studying women in history and connecting with other women in activities such as writing and the arts. From these experiences, she realized the importance of advocating for women in all fields and continuing to shed light on women of all historical backgrounds, which she is interested in pursuing with True Resilience!

Olivia is part of Girls Write Now, serving as a mentee and a writer in a female/nonbinary-focused program. She is a student executive at ASAP (AAPI Student Advocacy Project), where she uses root-cause analysis to find solutions to mental health problems that AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) students find in public schools, teaches and learns about social justice issues and connects and networks with other organizations, student leaders, and city council members. Olivia is also an editor for Writeadelic, part of a club swim team, and volunteers with her school’s Red Cross program. In her free time, she enjoys reading and writing fiction and poetry, listening to all types of music, and hiking and camping.

Olivia’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Marlene Jaquez

Student Researcher

Marlene is a high school senior in California.

She is excited to be researching for True Resilience due to never learning enough about influential women in history, especially as a woman of color. She wants the stories of under-represented women in the past and present to be told and known.

Marlene created her blog on Blogger called Lotus Letters, which focuses on how social constructs such as race, class, and gender roles intersect with fashion/aesthetics to bring awareness of the issues that can arise in these communities. She is also active in her school’s environmental and women empowerment clubs.

You can find Marlene’s work on the “Our Discoveries” page!


Martina Jaramillo

Student Researcher

Martina is a Junior at Coral Reef Senior High in Miami, Florida. Her proactive interest in researching stems from her work as a local government Youth Commissioner and in journalism-related ventures. Through these roles, she is constantly finding and sharing solutions to real-world problems. By her love for history, reading, and especially writing, she’s uncovered countless individuals who have captured her interest due to the lasting impact they’ve had on our society, and she is eager to share their stories with the True Resilience community and beyond.

Martina has engaged in impactful journalism as part of the USA Today Food Access/Equity & Health Writing Workshop, focusing on the significant effects of food deserts on public health in Miami/South Florida. Her international involvement includes a six-week global virtual program with The Experiment Digital Virtual Exchange, where she collaborated on community service initiatives with students from the MENA region. As a fellow for Miami-Dade School Board Member Luisa Santos, she’s organized community outreach events and supply drives, demonstrating her commitment to local engagement. She most enjoys playing the piano, competing in tennis, and traveling around the world.

Martina's work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Mandy Wang

Student Researcher

Mandy is a junior at Central York High School in York, PA.

Mandy’s interest in researching underappreciated, influential women stems from her frequent discussions about powerful male figures in history. She felt that influential women were often left out of history textbooks and the school’s history curriculum. To try and fill in the gaps where these women should have stood, Mandy hopes to share their stories with the True Resilience community!

Mandy is a member of her school’s anti-racist union, also known as PARU. During the school year, she mentors a young student through the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program. She enjoys playing the piano, reading novels, going on walks, and swimming in her free time.

Mandy’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Claire Moore

Student Researcher

Claire is a sophomore at George Washington University.

As a woman in Finance and Computer Science, Claire saw first-hand the need to support women in these specific fields. Cultivating an inclusive environment for women is something she has partaken in throughout her high school and college career. Claire is thrilled to participate and grow in the True Resilience community.

Claire is pursuing a double major in Computer Science and Finance at George Washington University (GWU). She is involved in her school as the Fundraising Chair for The Engineers’ Council, Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Omega Epsilon, and a member of both the Women in Finance Alliance and Women in Computer Science. Claire is also a part of the GWU Red Cross, where she volunteers to assist at monthly blood drives. In her free time, Claire can be found walking along the Georgetown Waterfront with friends or reading at the Lincoln Memorial.

Claire’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Jasmine Lo

Student Researcher

Jasmine Lo is a high school junior in California.

Jasmine is passionate about advancing global gender equality in STEM. She aims to create a future where everyone has the resources and self-confidence to succeed in STEM.

Jasmine enjoys trying new foods, journaling, and baking banana bread. She is Vice President of her school’s Enviroaction Club and co-captain of the Varsity Girls’ Golf Team. She is a Girls Who Code Self-paced Program and Kode With Klossy Scholar.

You can find out more about Jasmine’s research on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Alana Dillon

Student Researcher

Alana is a junior at Thomas A. Edison High School in Alexandria, Virginia.

As a woman in STEM herself, Alana has to be aware of the overwhelming gender disparity in technology fields. With her opportunity to write for True Resilience, she hopes to uncover the impacts of women from all backgrounds who haven’t received recognition.

Alana is an active member of her school’s FBLA branch, where she recently competed at the National Leadership Conference for Introduction to Public Speaking. One of her major passions is coding. She is a recent Kode With Klossy alumni, a member of her school’s Girls Who Code club, and hopes to double major in computer science and philosophy in the future in order to build more ethical AI.

When she isn’t doing school work, Alana can be found buried in a good book, listening to music, re-watching all the Batman movies, or cracking jokes with friends.

Alana’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Jade Kraut

Student Researcher

Jade is a sophomore at Scarsdale High School in Scarsdale, New York.

Jade has been interested in gender equality from a young age and has always loved the feeling of empowerment that comes from being part of the feminist community. She has been passionate about feminism since she started attending women’s marches when she was nine years old. Specifically, she is interested in helping and connecting to queer women and women of color.

Jade is part of a creative writing workshop and a swim team. In her spare time, Jade swims, reads, and listens to music, and she is interested in baking and pastry arts.

Jade’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Nisha Kumar

Student Researcher

Nisha Kumar is an 11th grade student from Huntington, West Virginia. Her interests include music performance, writing, and the vast field of medicine! She loves creative projects and finding ways to integrate them into STEM. Nisha believes that communication is the greatest asset of society, and by sharing to the world about these inspirational women in history, she hopes that more young people will be able to live out their aspirations! History is created every day, and learning about it is what enables success.

Nisha’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Aashrita Gandhi

Student Researcher

Aashrita is an undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Psychology and Research in Bengaluru, India. Aashrita is passionate about feminism, gender studies, intersectional activism and feels like everyone should be more educated about the core values of feminism. As there is little to no representation in our current education curriculum she thinks it is essential to shine light upon the history’s unexpected and empowering feminism heroes.

Aashrita is an editor at the newsletter in her college, part of the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force at Dear Asian Youth and an Ambassador at The Pad Project. In her free time she loves to read, especially about the development of feminism through English literature, baking, listening to Taylor Swift and draw.

Check out the “Our Discoveries” page to see her work!

Anika Giri

Student Researcher

Anika is a sophomore at Chantilly High School in Chantilly, Virginia.

Being highly interested in all things STEM, Anika’s interest in female representation derives from her realization that the male-dominant technology industry often limits opportunities for women, thus lowering their potential for success. Anika has always been fascinated by extraordinary women from her Indian heritage and through her role as a researcher at True Resilience, and she hopes to close the gender gap within STEM by educating others on the feats of underrepresented women.

Outside of True Resilience, Anika indulges herself in web development and computer science by coding small projects in her free time. In school, she is the Co-Captain of the mechanical committee of her school’s robotics team, the Co-Secretary of the Girls Who Code club, and a member of the Red Cross Society. Additionally, Anika enjoys discovering new music on Spotify, rewatching classic Bollywood movies and baking small treats for herself.

Anika’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Piyal Das (she/her)

Student Researcher

Piyal is a senior at Brooklyn Technical High School in New York City.

Her interest in gender was piqued when she observed how men's dynamics differed from women's in society and culture when she visited various parts of the US and South Asia. She is determined to help others and herself in discovering overlooked women’s history.

Outside of True Resilience, Piyal is an outspoken activist for issues regarding mental health, the environment, and more. She is part of Brown Student Union, National Honor Society, and various STEM and activism clubs inside of school. Piyal volunteers for multiple organizations such as Luv Micheal, Teens for Food Justice, and Breathe California. She also works part-time as a tutor and is an ambassador for ChillPill, a mental health app.

Check out Piyal’s work on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Isabella Floyd

Student Researcher

Isabella is a freshman at Howard University in Washington, D.C.

Bella became interested in women’s rights and female empowerment after her mom passed away in 2016. She created a lifestyle blog, Living By Bella, where she discusses self-esteem, offers life advice, and encourages teenage girls to find their passions. Her blog has reached thousands of readers and hundreds of subscribers, and she is excited to share the stories of empowered and revolutionary women on True Resilience!

Isabella has a minor form of a rare disability, Erbs Palsy, and is a supporter of the Erbs Palsy Group. She’s an advocate for mental health, self-care, and women’s rights. Alongside writing and marketing for her brand, Living By Bella, Isabella is a website designer and lover of computer science. She is a Kode With Klossy scholar, joins Hackathons weekly, and has created several apps and websites for small businesses. In her free time, she enjoys writing, creating social media content, reading about history and philosophy, painting, hiking, and designing.

Isabella’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Kirsten Parker

Student Researcher

Kirsten is a rising junior at Somerset Academy Canyons in Florida.s

Kirsten’s interest in law arose from seeing how the legal field is heavily dominated by men. From this, she realized the importance of recognizing the women who have contributed to the legal field.

Some activities Kirsten has done include working as a teacher's assistant. Additionally, volunteers at her local library during her free time. She also works as a blog contributor and social media content creator for Next Generation Politics. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and spending time with her friends.

Kirsten’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Miriam Ahmad

Student Researcher

Miriam Ahmad is a junior at Grafton High School in Virginia.

Her interest in True Resilience came from wanting to help women receive the equality, recognition, and respect they deserve. She believes that words can be the most powerful weapon in the fight against injustice and hopes she can become part of the solution.

Miriam is on the debate team at her school, in varsity Public Forum. Outside of school, she does karate and has a green belt. She loves to paint, draw, and do other crafts; she does calligraphy and likes to sculpt. Miriam also loves to read and write. Some of her favorite things to read include philosophy and essays, as well as classics and plays. Miriam has a love for learning languages; she takes Spanish at her high school and is learning Latin on her own.

Miriam’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Keya Naik (she/her)

Student Researcher

Keya Naik is a junior at Pequannock Township High School in New Jersey.

Keya’s interest in gender studies arose from her background as a daughter of immigrants and the discrimination she faced in her new neighborhood. While travelling around the world, she realised how important it was to have worldwide female representation. Keya has participated in Habitat with Humanity and Operation Smile, which both involve helping and talking to others. She was also part of MEP, where she developed a passion project through business and more.

You can find her work on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Saleema Diallo

Student Researcher

Saleema is a sophomore at Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School in Jersey City, New Jersey.

As a young black Muslim woman, civil liberties and advocacy are of utmost importance to Saleema. Social justice promotes equality for all people without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, disability, or criminal history records. However, women continue to face inequalities in the social, political, household, and economic spheres. Saleema educates herself about social justice issues, attending gatherings and protests, and using her media platforms to shine light on influential women whose triumphs are often undermined.

Saleema is active in her school’s Red Cross and Medicine Club. In addition, she loves creating latte art and having meaningful conversations with customers as a barista at her local coffee shop. Outside of school, you can find Saleema volunteering with an organization called, ‘Welcome Home Jersey City,’ which provides educational, employment, and material support to refugees. In her spare time, Saleema loves playing video and card games, eating out with friends and family, reading, and traveling.

Saleema’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Elizabeth Perry

Student Researcher

Elizabeth is a sophomore at Savannah Country Day School in Savannah, Georgia.

Elizabeth has always been bothered by the lack of female representation in history. She thinks it is important that we recognize both female and male accomplishments equally. When she discovered True Resilience, she knew it would be the perfect opportunity for her to learn more about underrepresented women. Elizabeth hopes that True Resilience will continue to grow so more and more people can learn about all the amazing things that women have done.

In her free time, Elizabeth loves reading, going to the pool, and playing with her two dogs, Katy and Hazel. She is involved in her school's environmental awareness club. Elizabeth also plays piano and cello.

Elizabeth’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Sofia Alvazzi

Student Researcher

Sofia is a freshman at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts. She is American and Swiss, and has grown up in Switzerland for her whole life.

She is interested to learn about notable women in history whose stories are not well-known, since they greatly inspire her. She is especially passionate about recognizing women in STEM fields, where women are remarkably underrepresented.

Outside of True Resilience, Sofia has done research in STEM fields such as computational neuroscience and nanoscience. She is interested in pursuing computer science and neuroscience in university. In her free time, Sofia enjoys playing piano, coding and reading books; one of her favorite books is ‘Pachinko’ by Min Jin Lee. She loves meeting new people, going on walks, drinking boba and traveling!

Sofia’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Kathryn Johnson

Student Researcher

Kathryn is a student at the University of Alberta studying political science and women’s & gender studies.

Kathryn’s studies and passion for women’s inclusion in politics have fostered an investment in women’s representation. With her work at True Resilience, Kathryn aims to remedy women’s absence from historical and contemporary arenas of representation, by illuminating their underrepresented stories and contributions.

Kathryn’s work can be found on our discoveries page.

Zhi Yu Shu

Student Researcher

Zhi Yu is in Year 11 student at an International School in Dubai. She is eager to educate students about lesser-known, underrepresented women, or simply tell students more about women’s contributions to history. She is motivated, and will work endlessly for what she believes in, wants, or needs. She feels that True Resilience is a great place for her to flourish and learn, by exploring different aspects of what women have done in history.

Zhi Yu has an interest in inequality and diversity, and is a part of her school’s Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion group; in this group, she has revised the school’s behavioral conduct, and shed light on International Women’s Day and International Women in STEM Day. She is also fascinated by different cultures and languages. In her free time, she enjoys keeping fit, drinking and making boba, listening to music, reading rom-coms, and watching TV.

You can find Zhi Yu’s work on the “Our Discoveries” Page!

Anushka Punukollu

Student Researcher

Anushka is a Grade 9 student at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School in Ontario, Canada.

Anushka’s interest in gender studies arose from her love of history growing up. After realising the people she would learn about in school would never represent her, she realised the value of non-male role models from all backgrounds. Through iFemenist, she is super eager to find and share groundbreaking women whose stories should be remembered.

In her free time, Anushka is active in her school’s mental health club, student council, and HOSA club. In addition, she does taekwondo, swimming, and enjoys playing the piano. She also loves watching F1, reading, writing and running.

Anushka’s work is on the “Our Discoveries” page.

Juliet Cama

Student Researcher

Juliet is a sophomore at Frank Sinatra School of The Arts in Queens, New York.

Juliet’s passion for feminism and empowerment developed from a lack of female representation in school curriculums. Driven by her natural interests, Juliet had to do her own outside research to gather information on women in history. Throughout her social-studies lessons, Juliet noticed that very few women were cited by name in textbooks and mentioned during in class discussions. After this realization and frustration, Juliet aimed to help spread knowledge about feminism, so that women’s history is more widely accessible.

Juliet goes to an arts high school, where she studies vocal music. She is in many choirs and attends pre-college at the Manhattan School of Music. Music is one of her passions, which she develops in her gender studies. Moreover, she is on the honor roll at school and is currently in the AP Capstone program. She has developed research and citation skills, which help her write for different academic audiences. Juliet likes to read classic literature and write poetry in her free time.

You can find Juliet’s work on the “Our Discoveries” Page!

Skye Cabrera

Student Researcher

Skye is an incoming Sophomore at Canossa Academy in Lipa City, Philippines.

Skye has been an advocate for the written arts for as long as they can remember. They usually write short stories, prose poetry, and articles about a range of topics, including politics, history, and activism.

Currently, Skye is co-founding an online magazine, "The Graveyard Zine," that pays tribute to the past and future artists of our planet. They are also a staff writer for multiple magazines and blogs, like ‘Insipid Board of Ideas’ and ‘Youth4Journalism.’ Outside of work, they are usually reading Russian literature or watching historical documentaries.

Skye’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries" page!

Vivian Guo

Student Researcher

Vivian is a freshman at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

Vivian’s interest in gender studies arose from her experiences in male-dominated Math Team and Debate. From these activities, she realized the importance of non-male role models in all walks of life and is super excited to uncover these narratives for True Resilience!

Vivian is active on her school’s debate team in Varsity Lincoln Douglas where she serves as Novice Captain. She also mentors three other students around the nation through a gender-minorities program. At her school, Vivian co-created a club dedicated to Asian American identity and mental health, which has facilitated her interest in celebrating Chinese culture and the history of Asian womxn’s accomplishments. In her free time, she enjoys reading philosophy, spoken word poetry, and running.

More information about Vivian's research topic is on the Discoveries page!

Alexa Franka

Student Researcher

Alexa Franka is a senior in Sekolah Pelita Harapan in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Growing up in Indonesia, Alexa noticed a lack of representation among women in different fields in her country. In light of this, she strives to educate people about women who changed around the world, especially in Indonesia.

Alexa is active in the sports department at her school. Ever since she was in fifth grade, she has participated in her school’s soccer team. In sixth grade, she began playing basketball as well. She also serves as a member of a service group called “United”, which focuses on providing education about the importance of physical activity. Apart from sports, Alexa engages in the performing arts department. In 2019, she and her friends co-founded the school’s first student-led drama club, Kemang Village Theatrical Arts (KVTA) and now serves as president. Before this, she was involved in her school’s plays and musicals.

Alexa’s research can be found on the Discovery page!

Mariam Sufi

Student Researcher

Mariam Sufi is a sophomore at Shawnee Mission East HS in Kansas.

She is passionate about women’s stories, especially those to which she can relate. Mariam is dedicated to researching female artists, diverse women, women in STEM, and more! Through writing and exploring these narratives, she hopes to inspire and educate as many people as possible.

Mariam is also an active volunteer with her local library. Most evenings, she can be found coding in front of her monitors or virtually tutoring international math students. She may also be playing in a junior varsity soccer game with her school. When she has a bit of free time, Mariam is likely taking one of Yale Online’s philosophy classes or painting.

Mariam’s work can be found on the Our Discoveries page!

Laila Rivera

Student Researcher

Laila is a junior at the Middlesex County Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences in New Jersey.

Laila’s Hispanic background helped her realize how much more representation minorities should be getting, and being able to write and research about these women is the perfect way to help shine some light!

Laila was previously in a STEM Research class where she and her partners worked together to create a substitute for plastic to reduce the amount of plastic in the ocean. The girls went on to compete and win top prizes in 3 categories and an overall 1st place for Engineering, Math and Computer Science. As a sophomore, she is planning to continue to work on the project, researching and following up on previously recorded results, as well as add new information and research in the coming year.

You can find her STEM Research Projects, Innovation Design, Awards and more in her Portfolio by clicking the link here.

Laila’s work can be found on the Discoveries page!

Ashna Gaglani

Student Researcher

Ashna Gaglani is a senior at Millburn High School in New Jersey.

Ashna has always had a passion in learning about women who have made significant contributions to history and have been forgotten.

In her free time, Ashna is a part of her high school’s debate team, newspaper, tutoring program, and peer leaders. She also enjoys swimming and volunteering at her local community center on the weekends, teaching kids about their Indian heritage, and chess.

Ashna’s work for True Resilience is published on the “Our Discoveries” page. Feel free to check it out!

Amy Wu

Student Researcher

Amy is a freshman at University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California.

Amy is extremely passionate about chemistry, computer science, and sustainability. She has always been an avid supporter of women in STEM and is excited for True Resilience to bridge her interest in feminist studies with her Chinese heritage.

In her free time, Amy is a part of various organizations within her school. She is actively involved in Associated Student Body (ASB), is co-president of Operation Smile, is treasurer of Science Olympiad, and is a defense attorney on the Mock Trial team. In addition, she is a finance intern for Congressman Gil Cisneros as she is exploring her passion for politics. Outside of academics, she loves to code, get boba with her friends, and explore the outdoors.

Amy’s research can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page on the website! Make sure to check out her hard work!

Caroline Shi

Student Researcher

Caroline is a senior at Scarsdale High School in Scarsdale, New York.

Caroline has always been interested in Chinese culture and is excited to learn more about her Asian American heritage. She is especially interested to learn more about the intersection between gender, sexuality, and Asian identity.

Outside of True Resilience, Caroline is a part of her school’s debate team and serves as the Captain of the Lincoln Douglas Team. She is also heavily involved in a few other clubs regarding Asian identity as well as art and literature. In her free time, she enjoys making Spotify playlists, reading poetry and short stories, and hanging out with her friends.

Caroline’s work can be found on the "Our Discoveries" page!

Simran Goel

Student Researcher

Simran is a freshman at University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California.

Simran has always been interested in learning more about her Indian heritage and was excited to uncover amazing Indian women.

After school, Simran participates in National Art Honors Society, Speech & Debate, DECA, tutors at Kumon, and leads Leaders for Literacy, a club dedicated to fighting adult illiteracy. She also enjoys reading, drawing, and bubble tea.

Amina Rhamatzada

Student Researcher

Amina Rhamatzada is a senior at Half Hollow Hills High School East in Dix Hills, New York.

As a Middle Eastern woman, Amina has been exposed to her beautiful culture through books, movies, songs and more. She has always wanted to share it with her peers and teach them about a culture tainted in mainstream media and society.

Amina participates in the Muslim Student Association club in her school, where she interacts with different people, trying to end the stigma around Islam. She also participates in a photography class to capture life in the moment, and is currently working on a website that could help all photographers kickoff their careers.

Amina’s work has been published on the site’s Discovery page.

Amanda Fernandez (she/her)

Student Researcher

Amanda is a junior at Jose Marti STEM Academy in Union City, New Jersey.

Amanda’s interest in women’s history and research originates from her experiences in female-led settings that harbor empowering, enthusiastic, and productive learning experiences. These sisterhoods and female representations have shown the possibilities women can achieve by working together and that they have the potential to alter the fabric of society in remarkable aspects. She believes that by highlighting all of the amazing women in history, women will not only be celebrated for their revolutionary impacts, but also provide young girls shining examples of a diverse array of leaders.

In the spirit of sisterhood, Amanda is the treasurer of the female-led Youth Climate Action Coalition in her city, taking the necessary steps to spread environmental awareness. She is also an alumna of the 2021 Kode With Klossy Camp and the 2020 Girls Who Code Summer Program. In her spare time, Amanda loves watching films, playing guitar, drawing, photography, and playing with her dogs!

Amanda’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Tilottama Barua

Student Researcher

Tilottama is a student in 12th grade at Bangladesh International School and College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Tilottama’s interest in knowing more about the women who wrote history comes from the lack of women in textbooks and other important documents. She has always admired the contribution of the female population to making the world as it is today ever since she came across books like “Good night stories for rebel girls.” She is excited to work with True Resilience because this is her first-ever digital article on something she is strongly passionate about and truly advocates for.

Outside of school, Tilottama likes to embroider, hand-letter, and paint. She also tutors students and supports her friends by providing them with amazing Tiktok and Ted Talk videos. Apart from being the science and debate club president at her school, she likes to read books on poetry, fantasy, and mystery.

You can check her articles out on the “Our Discoveries” page.

Lauren McDermott

Student Researcher

Lauren is a senior at Syosset High School in Syosset, New York

Ever since she was little, Lauren has always had a strong urge to do what is right. As Lauren got older, she was exposed to the prejudice that many people, including women and racial minorities, have to go through each day. Having friends of many different backgrounds helped her gain a more diverse view of the world. She thinks everyone should have that kind of diverse view, otherwise the human race will remain close-minded and unable to live in a world with less hate. By contributing to True Resilience, she believes that she, and this group of amazing young women, will be able to bring a little more understanding to the world around them. She is a proud feminist and she can’t wait to be able to spread more information about the women of history who haven’t been able to have their time to shine.

Lauren is very dedicated to school work and loves the arts. Her hobbies include theater, art, and reading. She is a part of the Association for Creative Thespians and the girls acapella group at her school, the Adelettes. She wants to major in psychology or psychiatry in college.

Claire Moore

Student Researcher

Claire is a senior at Syosset High School in Syosset, New York.

Claire is interested in expanding her knowledge about women in STEM and security in technology. Claire possibly wants to work for INTERPOL one day and plans to study engineering. Claire became interested in researching women in history from Syosset High School's Women in STEM club.

Claire is a part of her high school volleyball, bowling, and lacrosse team. She is also the President of her school's Russian club. She is a member of other clubs such as the Relief Club, BASIC, and Women in STEM. She enjoys cleaning up local beaches and reading during her free time.

Claire's work can be found on the "Our Discoveries" page!

Nicole Sanna

Student Researcher

Nicole Sanna is a senior at East Pennsboro High School near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Most of the history she has learned throughout high school has been centered around men, which completely neglects all of the progress and success achieved by women. Nicole wants to work to educate people on how influential women have been in world history.

In her free time, Nicole also participates in several clubs at her school, including Interact Club, a service club; Math Club; and Mini-THON, a charity event for childhood cancer research. She is also involved with political campaigns and various forms of activism.

Nicole's research can be found on the "Our Discoveries" page! Make sure to check it out!

Jasmine Lunia

Student Researcher

Jasmine is a sophomore at Parish Episcopal School in Dallas, Texas.

Jasmine’s interest in history and feminism arose when she began to become interested in scientific fields, such as physics, that are significantly male-dominated. She would always hear of discoveries made by male scientists, but never any made by female scientists. Doing her own research, she realized that plenty of women made major contributions to male-dominated fields, but many weren’t credited for their discoveries. She is excited to bring the stories of these women to light for True Resilience!

Jasmine spends her time working on STEMteen Dallas, where she leads her local chapter in an effort to make STEM education accessible to all, as well as the organization suSTEMability, which she founded in order to educate people on the intersection between science and sustainability. You can get involved by checking out their instagram @sustemabilitydallas. She also participates in several other extracurricular activities, many centering around themes of writing, STEM, and activism, volunteers at her local science museum regularly, and works on the environmental club she founded at her school in order to ensure that the community is as sustainable and healthy as possible. She spends her free time writing poetry, creating art, reading books of several genres, and learning about fascinating scientific topics. She is passionate about creating a culture in which diverse voices are heard and listened to in all fields.

Usraat Fahmidah

Student Researcher

Usraat Fahmidah is a rising junior at Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka. She is currently residing in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Usraat’s interest in feminism stems from her interest in political science and social activism. She is a social activist and co-founder of a non profit organisation aiming to create social changes in her community. She aspires to become a stentorious voice to all of the unheard girls in need. Through her research, she enjoys learning about women’s contributions to society and how their conditions are affected by socioeconomic status through different epochs in history.

She’s a debater, philosopher, and an ardent book reader. Her interests include economics, philosophy, political science and history.

Agnes Wong

Student Researcher

Agnes is a junior at Queens College in New York. She is currently studying psychology and sociology to be an industrial/organizational psychologist. She was first exposed to coding and computer science when she participated in the 2017 Girls Who Code summer immersion program. She discovered that women are underrepresented in the tech and business industry due to the lack of the educational opportunities and accessibility introduced to females in STEM fields. Following her passion for research and history, she strives to educate people about the impact many women have made in male-dominated fields.

Aside from her involvement in True Resilience, she is a mentor at College Key Foundation where she provides tailored advice to a high school rising senior about college application and internship tips. She also volunteers at Plannr Consulting to help clients with organizational skills, time management, and lifestyle improvement. This summer, she is interning at companies such as The Trill Project, STEMchats, and Count Me In to explore her interests in different fields. In addition, she is a project director at Dear Asian Youth as she loves being able to connect with her fellow Asians to promote an appreciation for the culture.

Agnes can be found volunteering in her community and reading supernatural fiction during her spare time. She also enjoys watching cartoons and listening to R&B music that puts her coworkers to sleep. Agnes’s research on underrepresented women is published on True Resilience. Make sure to check it out on the Discoveries page!

Sophia Chaudri

Student Researcher

Sophia Chaudri is a sophomore at Syosset High School in Syosset, New York.

Being that she is a first generation Bengali-American, Sophia had always compared the two worlds into which she was born - the one tied to her heritage - versus the one tied to her home. Her interest in politics also spurred a passion for advocacy and conversation.

Stemming from her passion for current events and public speaking, Sophia is an active member within the speech and debate community. She also dedicates time to participating in the Young Women’s Forum club at her high school, which serves as an outlet for discussing women’s issues openly, collaboratively, and honestly, as well as the Breaking Borders club - an opportunity to collaborate with other schools on Long Island. Aside from academic endeavors, Sophia enjoys reading, writing, and painting.

You can find Sophia's work on the Discoveries page!

Ariane Lee

Student Researcher

Ariane is a freshman at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

Ariane has always had a passion for history, and she was excited to integrate this passion with her belief in female empowerment. Ariane believes that by highlighting underrepresented women, it brings attention to the contributions women have made to society that have been largely ignored.

Ariane is an active participant in debate, and is a captain of her school’s DECA chapter. She is also the president of her school’s Model Congress and the vice president of her school’s Red Cross Club. Outside of academics, Ariane is an avid fan of the arts, and can often be found painting and drawing in her spare time.

Rahaf Aljerwi

Student Researcher

Rahaf is a senior at Midland High School in Midland, Texas.

Rahaf joined True Resilience to highlight women whose contributions to the world have largely been ignored. She hopes to learn more about herself through researching the lives of incredible women.

She is a programmer for her schools Robotics team and the founder of her school’s Girls Who Code club. She hopes to study the intersections between computer science, design, and statistics in college. Outside of school, she enjoys reading and baking.

Romina Farzaneh

Student Researcher

Romina Farzaneh is a junior at Abington Senior High School in Pennsylvania.

Conducting research for True Resilience allows her to learn about truly remarkable women in history that have been overlooked by traditional school curriculums. By sharing her findings, Romina is able to amplify the influences of the women she studies, ensuring that their legacies live on for centuries to come! Outside of True Resilience, she enjoys reading, playing with her cat, and studying languages. At school, she is the Assistant Captain of the chess team. Romina is also the founder of Language Learning Youth, an international community of teenagers that aims to crush cultural ignorance.

Romina’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Kaajal Yadav

Student Researcher

Kaajal is a Junior at County Prep High School, New Jersey.

Kaajal’s interests include researching more about the gender gap in STEM, as well as the significance of technology. She is extremely thrilled to be part of the research team for True Resilience, and learn more about crucial women in history.

Kaajal has participated in Kode with Klossy’s Web Development program over the past summer, where she was able to gain new experiences in web designing and building. She also has attended a STEM related competition, where she served as a mentor for her mentees researching a technology topic. In her free time, she enjoys painting, reading, coding with Java, HTML, CSS, Python, and JavaScript.

Kaajal’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Isabel Liu (she/her)

Student Researcher

Isabel is a high school senior from Taipei, Taiwan.

Isabel is passionate about computer science, political science, and feminism. At school, Isabel is actively involved in Rise Up, where she hosts student discussions on intersectional feminism; Expression Magazine, where she reviews student submissions for her school's annual arts and literary publication; and Codemania, where she teaches middle school kids how to code, among other activities. In her spare time, Isabel enjoys thrifting, playing electric guitar, and getting food with friends.

By writing for True Resilience, Isabel hopes to support and empower other gender minorities, particularly those studying and/or working in technology. You can find Isabel's work on the "Our Discoveries" page!

Rose Martin

Student Researcher

Rose is passionate about empowering women and recognizing the underrepresented impact of women in a variety of fields. Through True Resilience, Rose is excited to integrate her passion for history and writing with her enthusiasm for the celebration of women’s accomplishments in a diverse range of careers.

At her high school, Rose is an active member of the Engineering club, Computer Science club, and Science Olympiad team. She enjoys being surrounded by a supportive and inspiring group of young women eager to pursue STEM and empower one another! Rose also enjoyed participating in Kode with Klossy this past summer. Some of her favorite hobbies include playing piano, dancing, traveling, and reading.

Rose’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Khushi Derai

Student Researcher

Khushi Derai is in 11th grade and lives in Muscat, Oman. She is originally from Gujarat, India and has been living in Muscat since 2010. As she grew up and was exposed to media and the harsh reality of today’s society, she began noticing the discrimination against women and hence began advocating for women’s rights.

She is interested in researching the history of feminism. She wants to know more about the women that the world forgot and wants to help spotlight such inspirational women through True Resilience.

She loves writing and has a passion for public speaking; she has participated in many inter and intra school debates, academic symposiums, elocutions, and continues to do so. She is a writer for Project Dissemination and was the president of her school’s gavel club. She is also a part of her school’s MUN team.

She enjoys reading and playing badminton in her free time.

Khushi’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Louise Bossière

Student Researcher

Louise is French and Russian, but grew up in Brussels, Belgium. She recently graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from the University College Maastricht Netherlands, where she focused on gender, migration and development studies. Now, she is working towards a Master’s degree in International Humanitarian Action. She is a passionate fighter for human rights and devoted to the struggle of gender inequality.

Her interest in learning more about women in history started when she volunteered for a Nepalese school online and decided to teach about ‘her’ story. She noticed that during high school, the history curriculum was overwhelmingly male centric. Thus, she decided to do some research and told stories, to young students, of different women who all had an important impact on society, but that are often not acknowledged. By researching for True Resilience, Louise is eager to learn more about underrepresented women in history and empower other women.

Louise’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Juhi Ghosh (she/her)

Student Researcher

Juhi is a high school senior at Ruby Park Public School, India.

Deeply passionate about computer science, Juhi enjoys exploring the endless possibilities of technology and its potential to address real-world challenges. She took part in the Technovation Girls Challenge 2023-24 and is an incoming Kode With Klossy ('24) scholar!

Her interests extend to business and entrepreneurship, evident from her participation in the YFS Bootcamp ‘22 and Be a Pirate challenge ‘22 hosted by Moonshot Pirates.

In her free time, she enjoys reading or coding. She is also a graphic designer for @prisit.design. She wants to be a part of True Resilience to write about women who have impacted the world and to do research and uncover the overlooked contributions of underrepresented women.

You can check her articles out on the “Our Discoveries” page.

Latifah Pusey

Student Researcher

Latifah is a sixth former at the St. Hugh’s High School for Girls in Kingston, Jamaica.

Latifah is eighteen years old and has always had a passion for writing, researching, and coding. She aspires to become a civil engineer or a criminal lawyer because she dreams of advocating on people's behalf within the judicial system.

Latifah became a member of True Resilience because feminism has helped dismantle traditional expectations for women’s roles, encouraging modern women to be seen as equals to men. Her interest in feminism is illuminated by her participation in other organizations such as Kode with Klossy.

Latifah’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page. Go check it out!

Claire Gilbert

Student Researcher

Claire is a senior at Valley High School in West Des Moines, Iowa.

Claire’s love for history has led her to seek out every side of it, and share perspectives that history classes might not teach. Knowing that so much of history was built by women, and that they do not get the appreciation they deserve, Claire is driven to shine light to their legacies and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

Claire is a delegate on the Iowa Youth Congress, representing youth issues and participating in the legislative process to create meaningful change. Additionally, she does work around her community to deal with food insecurity, environmental sustainability, racism, and other social justice issues. She is also a tutor, both helping with the ACT for ConneXions, a program that offers free tutoring services around the globe, and teaching AP Biology to students at her school. In her free time, she loves to bake and play board games with her family.

Claire’s work can be found on our Discovery page!

Stephanie Rose Almodovar

Student Researcher

Stephanie’s very excited to be researching for True Resilience because as a woman in the tech field, she finds that it is sometimes hard to connect or relate to others when she is the only woman studying in the classroom. Stephanie believes that researching women who thrive(d) in the tech field will give herself and other young female STEM majors the courage to become who they are.

At her university, Stephanie is a member of a few groups. Stephanie took part in the Women in Science Mentorship Program where she made amazing connections with other females who are in the STEM field and is currently being mentored on completing her college career. Stephanie is also taking part in BUILT BY GIRLS, where she is being mentored in building her tech career. Finally, Stephanie took part in Breakthrough Tech formerly known as the WITNY CaRe program.

Stephanie’s work can be found on the Discoveries page!

Charvi Gangwani

Student Researcher

Charvi Gangwani is a senior at Choithram School in India.

Charvi has a perfervid appreciation for using technology for social good. She understands the beauty in fostering one’s individuality through global connection. She is the founder of a youth-based virtual forum for proactive people across the world which establishes a new perspective on creating an impact. Her interest in research is nurtured by her curiosity and love to discover something new.

Charvi is a TEDEd speaker, author, researcher and part of her school’s business venture- Good Earth, which aims to elevate local communities and promote environmental sustainability. She runs a podcast named ‘The Matchbox’ which reflects on Indian society. She strives to live her life fighting for equality and empowerment.

Charvi’s work can be found on the Discoveries page!

Habigaelle Jean

Student Researcher

Habigaelle is a senior at AF Amistad High School in New Haven, Connecticut.

Habigaelle strongly believes in breaking gender inequities and hopes to empower other women through research.

Habigaelle loves learning, helping others and making an impact in her community. At school, she is a part of the cheerleading team, secretary of the community service club and a member of the social justice and medical club. Outside of school, she is an English tutor for second graders across the United States and an ambassador for organizations that support women in STEM.

Habigaelle’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Judith Eisl

Student Researcher

Judith is a senior at the Musisches Gymnasium in Salzburg, Austria.

Judith's interest in gender studies and the history of womxn’s accomplishments arose from observing all the powerful and independent womxn around her. In the numerous hours of research about Austria's past, she has also learned about many inspiring womxn who paved the way for her. Additionally, she developed a curiosity for the cultures and traditions of indigenous womxn during her exchange year in Australia while a sophomore at school.

Judith spends a lot of her spare time as part of Fridays for Future in Austria and, accordingly, has a deep-rooted passion for nature, the climate and creating a more sustainable society. Outside of academics, Judith also pursues several different forms of artistic expression: either she writes on her blog "Pages of Ju," or she paints and draws avidly, or she dances in her small bedroom, or she plays the flute. Furthermore, Judith enjoys educating herself on different scientific topics, including neuroscience, molecular biology and quantum science.

Lindsay Wong

Student Researcher

Lindsay Wong recently graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Arts, double majoring in history and Asian studies.

Growing up, she attended international schools in Tokyo and Singapore. Lindsay was born in New York City, grew up in Tokyo, graduated from high school in Singapore, and finished her university degree in Melbourne. Now, she lives in Singapore, where she works as a content producer for a social enterprise.

Lindsay is excited to research and write for True Resilience because she has always been passionate about elevating marginalized voices and shedding light on untold stories, especially as a history graduate. Letting these stories be told is essential in bridging the gap between cultures and striving towards a society that is more understanding and tolerant.

When she was in high school, Lindsay was a member of the JV and varsity debate teams, as well as a member of my school’s Brainbowl team. Lindsay also tutored middle school students in English and math. Throughout university, she was heavily involved in student media – this is where she developed her passion and skills as a writer and editor. Lindsay was the co-editor of her university’s undergraduate history journal for two consecutive years.

Alfiya Hussain

Student Researcher

Alfiya is a high school senior at Choithram School in Indore, India.

Alfiya is extremely passionate about art, science, and writing. Throughout Alfiya’s schooling, she noticed that whenever she read novels by women, her class discussed the author’s gender. When she studied novels by men, on the other hand, her class studied how their novels addressed the big issues of the day. Alfiya is interested in reversing this trend by studying women and asking how they were addressing the big issues of their day and, conversely, studying novels by male authors from the point of view of gender.

Outside of True Resilience, Alfiya is the founder of The Imagineering Youth (TIY), an initiative that empowers young women in design at all levels of experience by providing a supportive environment for them to pursue their passion for design. She is also a Senior Editor and Writer at several STEM organizations. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching movies, and TV sitcoms.

Alfiya’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Navkiran Multani

Student Researcher

Navkiran Multani is currently a Sophomore at Central Peel Secondary School in Ontario, Canada.

As a young Sikh woman, learning about other powerful Sikh women has inspired her to write for True Resilience. She strongly believes that the rest of the world needs to hear the amazing stories of Sikh women in history. Through True Resilience, she hopes to share her findings and acquire knowledge about other empowering women in history.

In middle school, Navkiran created her own Asian Heritage Month Assembly in order to spotlight the different communities within Asia. In addition, she created her own self-defense workshop for girls within her high school in order to teach young girls self-defense and what to do in serious life-threatening situations. Nakiran also participates in other activities, including playing volleyball and basketball, being a professional dancer, tutoring students in India, and being an active member of her school’s community.

Navkiran's work is on the "Our Discoveries" page!

Grace Lee

Student Researcher

Grace is a freshman at Jericho Senior High School in Jericho, NY.

Grace has an interest in science, especially the field of biology. Although having an interest in science, Grace has always had a passion for history, competing in National History Day 3 times and making it to nationals her first year. She is also very proud of her heritage as a first generation American from South Korea.

In her free time, Grace volunteers as an assistant teacher at her local Korean school. She also participates in her school’s Debate and Red Cross clubs. Outside of school, Grace takes part in many volunteer clubs like Hospectic and Leos Club. Grace also fences for her school’s varsity fencing team and also attends competitions outside of school.

You can find her research on the “Our Discoveries” page.

Mia Dun

Student Researcher

Mia is a junior in high school in Vancouver, Canada.

As a womxn of Japanese and Chinese descent, Mia wanted to discover and spread awareness regarding inspiring womxn of Asian heritage, particularly in scientific fields. Mia is ecstatic to have the opportunity to research a Japanese Canadian in the medical field. In her free time, Mia is the co-president of her school’s Model United Nations and Debate club, an executive member of the Student Council, and member of the Reach for the Top team. She also enjoys playing softball, reading, and practicing calligraphy.

You can find Mia’s work on the Discoveries page of this site!

Scarlett Patton

Student Researcher

Scarlett is a junior at Webster Groves High School in St. Louis, Missouri.

Scarlett is proud to be an Asian American woman in STEM and knows that there needs to be more female representation in history. Although being adopted into a primarily white family has made it harder to learn more about her heritage, Scarlett understands the importance of social media and the internet in discovering her culture.

In her free time, Scarlett likes to participate in several clubs at her school. She is Secretary in Student Council, Lead Programmer and Co-Team Lead on her robotics team, and an active member of the Tri-M Honors Society, Statesmen Symphony, Feminist Coaliton, and Asian Pacific American Club. In addition, she runs Cross Country and Track and Field for her school. Scarlett’s true passion, however, lies in computer science. She is currently an advisee at BUILT BY GIRLS and was a 3 times scholar at Kode with Klossy. She also enjoys exploring cyber security and hopes to major in it in college.

You can find her research on the discoveries page!

Mia Denning

Student Researcher

Mia is a Senior at Maynard Jackson High School in Atlanta, Georgia.

Mia enjoys running, science, and sewing. Her interest in researching underrepresented women in history originated from her mother’s occupation as a scientist. Observing women in STEM taught her the struggles of working in a male dominated field and inspired Mia to further research other women’s contributions to society. Mia is a 2019 Kode with Klossy graduate, Cross Country Co-Captain, GSU intern, science research assistant, and has also written for Cleaner Ocean’s Institute (work found here).

Mia’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Dohyeon Kim

Student Researcher

Dohyeon is a junior at Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies in South Korea.

Dohyeon has always found it problematic that her history textbooks predominantly cover the accomplishments of male figures, but not women who have made significant contributions in different fields. She wants to uplift the often untold, underrepresented stories of women in history, so she joined True Resilience.

Dohyeon Kim is a passionate advocate for womxn’s rights, youth empowerment, and climate justice. She is part of an organization called Youth 4 Climate Action, which amplifies youth voices on climate change and calls for more drastic climate policies. She also works as an editor for GenZHER magazine, which is an online magazine aiming to empower Gen Z girls. At her school, Dohyeon leads an intersectional feminism club.

Dohyeon work can be found on the Discoveries page!

Stephanie Pineda

Student Researcher

Stephanie Pineda is a senior at California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Stephanie believes that women's stories need to be heard by other women.We have lived long enough in a male-dominated society and have listened to their stories from their perspectives, while women’s voices were lost in the shuffle. Women, especially those of color or low socioeconomic status, have been denied proper recognition. Sharing their stories among other women allows for the possibility to dismantle the silence that has persisted for centuries. By telling these stories, we allow other women to become inspired and unleash their voices. Therefore, Stephanie is honored to be a part of True Resilience.

Stephanie is also involved in the college leadership board for Girltelligence. Girltelligence is an app dedicated to women for support, advice, and establishes a community of sisterhood. Additionally, she volunteers for 7 Cups, where she provides support and listens to people who may be experiencing emotional distress. Lastly, she has volunteered and contributed to the student leadership board at St. Jude Hospital for three years, where she and her team oversee the membership department.

One of Stephanie’s greatest passions is medicine and mental health and she hopes to one day be a woman in medicine! When she is not volunteering or taking part in my leadership, Stephanie loves to cook, garden, play with make-up, binge my favorite Netflix shows, and partake in photography.

Stephanie’s research can be found on the Our Discoveries page!

Noorain Baig

Student Researcher

Noorain Baig is a junior at University of Colorado Boulder and is studying computer science.

She is interested in researching untold stories of women to bring light to their many contributions in science and technology, as well as bringing more representation to empower young women in STEM.

Outside of True Resilience, Noorain volunteers, codes, writes, and pursues other opportunities in technology. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies and reading and finding excuses to go on coffee/bubble tea runs. You can find her work on the site’s Discoveries page, so be sure to check it out!

Sona Popat

Student Researcher

Sona Popat is a Biological Natural Sciences undergraduate at the University of Cambridge.

She loves to learn about all of the incredible womxn in STEAM fields and is proud to be able to share those stories to ensure their contributions aren’t lost to history.

When she’s not in the lab, Sona can usually be found running around backstage at the student theatre stage managing shows, writing short stories, or growing her collection of plants (pun intended!) At the moment, she is also learning to code, working on a short film, and helping young people get involved in science communication as part of the Young Scientists’ Journal and Reinvented Magazine.

You can find her research on the Our Discoveries page!

Esther Duong

Student Researcher

Esther Duong is a high school senior from the San Francisco Bay Area, in California.

Esther is passionate about environmentalism, sustainability, and activism. As an avid supporter of female inclusivity in STEM fields (and as a girl in STEM herself!), she loves to discover inspiring women who have shaped history but go unnoticed in the academic and public eye.

At her high school, Esther is a Drum Major for the marching band, co-leader of her school’s glee club, and the vice president of TEDxMHS. She is also a creative writer for Girl Genius Magazine and co-leader of the workshop team and San Jose team in Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action. In her free time, Esther loves to read fantasy/action books, listen to k-pop, and bullet journal/write calligraphy.

Esther's research can be found on the Discoveries page!

Estella Grasso

Student Researcher

Estella Grasso is a sophomore at Grand Blanc High School in Grand Blanc, Michigan.

Estella is very interested in art and fashion and loves studying techniques from female artists and designers. Estella has been inspired to create her own unique pieces of art by looking up to these creative women.

When Estella is not creating art, she partakes in many school activities and sports. She is a part of multiple swim teams and plays water polo for her school. She is also part of student government and yearbook.

You can find Estella’s work on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Katya Heredia

Student Researcher

Katya is a first year medical student in the BA/MD program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

As a first-generation Ecuadorian American, Katya has always wanted to learn more about her Ecuadorian roots and the history of Ecuador’s leading women. Katya hopes to uncover the untold stories of historically impactful women all around the world.

During her high school career, Katya was president of the Spanish Club and Spanish Honors Society, and an officer of her school’s peer mentoring group. She was involved in Chamber Choir, National Honors Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and Writing Center. Katya is also an American Legion Auxiliary Missouri Girls State and Missouri All-State Choir alumni. In her free time, she enjoys reading, biking, and volunteering at the Humane Society of Southwest Missouri and the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks.

Katya’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Julianna Aguja

Student Researcher

Julianna is a senior at Pingree School in South Hamilton, Massachusetts.

Julianna grew up in an environment full of strong female figures, which inspired her to start learning about important womxn whose names have largely been left out of history textbooks. Julianna’s appreciation of her Filipina and Italian heritage has drawn her to researching impactful women from her own cultures.

At school, she serves on multiple Student Equity and Inclusion Boards and is captain of the Model United Nations team. She is passionate about social justice work and is involved with civic engagement clubs in her community. When she’s not busy with schoolwork, Julianna enjoys reading, watching Criminal Minds, and spending time with friends and family.

Raina Talwar Bhatia

Student Researcher

Raina is a ninth grade student from India.

Raina has always been passionate about gender studies, STEM, and engineering. At a young age, she was mocked for her interest by the boys in her class. After this experience, she desired to make a change in the way her society fundamentally views women. Raina believes that the best way to achieve equality is by talking about some of the most important women in history.

Raina is the Secretary General of her school’s Model UN Club and has attended over 15 conferences, winning prestigious awards at international conferences like HMUN China and India. She is a Trinity certified drummer, and completed her Grade 8 earlier this year. She also plays with a band named Evolution at a multitude of events. In her free time, she enjoys watching shows about history, politics and true crime.

Raina’s research can be found on the Discoveries page.

Anika Shah

Student Researcher

Anika is a sophomore at Syosset High School in Syosset, New York.

Anika recently found her love for women’s studies through the numerous feminist clubs at her school. By researching Indian feminists who have changed Hindu societal norms, she has found deep ties to her Indian background, and can now truly appreciate the women who she aspires to be one day.

In her free time, Anika enjoys playing the flute and piccolo, competing in speech and debate tournaments and online shopping. She participates in various clubs at her school including Women in Stem, G.I.R.L. Talk, Helping Hands Society, Young Women’s Forum and Music Honors Society. On the weekends she participates in the Nassau-Suffolk Honor Band and hangs out with her friends!

Anika’s research can be found on the Discoveries page!

Emma Van Dorn

Student Researcher

Emma Van Dorn is a senior at Syosset High School in Syosset, New York.

Emma has always been passionate about women’s rights as well as the importance of inspiring and empowering women and is very excited to learn more about underrepresented women and their accomplishments.

Emma is active in many clubs at her school. She is the Mentorship Coordinator of the Women in STEM Club, Captain and President of the Sailing Team, President of the Girls Who Code Club, Vice President of the Mock Trial Team, Treasurer of the Robotics Club, and a member of the Radio Club. Emma also works as a dental assistant on the weekends, volunteers at NYU Winthrop Hospital, and earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, which she was awarded when she taught children in her community about the importance of proper dental health. In her free time, she enjoys reading and going to the beach.

Emma’s research is published on the Discoveries page of this site!

Rishika Bandamede

Student Researcher

Rishika Bandamede is a freshman at Rutgers University. Rishika does not think there was a certain turning point when she became interested in feminism. She was just always drawn to stories about females and felt that she could relate to them better. As she got older, Rishika became more aware about the issues and inequalities that exist between the genders and wanted to explore them further.

Rishika believes that it is important to share the stories of women who have been through struggles and highlight their achievements. She is excited to discover lesser known powerful women and keep their stories circulating.

In her school, Rishika had started a composting pilot program to reduce her school’s food waste. She also helped organize and run blood drives in her school. Rishika took part in the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program and is looking to pursue Computer Science. She is a Bharatanatyam dancer and really enjoys dancing of all kinds. She loves connecting to her roots and is always looking to participate in something new.

Rishika’s work can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page!

Anannya Prasanna

Student Researcher

Anannya is a strong believer in equality and women’s rights. She believes that there are a lot of women that have made significant contributions to society, but are unknown or underrepresented in society. Anannya is also very interested in history, which makes her want to research women from the past and create awareness while doing this.

Anannya loves to participate in a lot of extracurriculars at her school, which is why she is on the Varsity Policy debate team, Model UN, HOSA, mental health clubs to help teens at risk, and Youth Extending Services. She recently started a UNICEF humanitarian club at her high school to invoke a change not just in her community, but globally. She also loves volunteering at the public library, and a local hospital.

You can find Anannya’s work on the True Resilience website’s “Our Discoveries page.”

Anna Lieb

Student Researcher

Anna Lieb is a freshman at Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. She is excited to participate in True Resilience to learn about the women who shaped our world and to highlight underrepresented stories of important women in history.

She is interested in historical women in computer science, as she intends to pursue computer science in college. She was an organizer for Princeton High School’s hackathon, hackPHS, and was also a 2019 Scholar and 2020 Instructor Assistant for Kode With Klossy, an organization that holds programming to encourage girls to explore computer science.

She was a senior editor at Princeton High School’s newspaper, The Tower, and enjoys singing in her school’s choir. In her free time, she likes to read, leech off of her friends’ Hulu accounts, and run on track and cross country teams.

Emi Knape

Student Researcher

Emi is a freshman at Rochester Institute of Technology.

Emi’s interest in gender studies arose from her participation in Kode With Klossy as well as her engagement in a research project during her junior year of high school where she studied the lack of women in the tech industry. Today, Emi wants to make a difference by bridging gender disparities in technology.

Emi is involved in her school’s drama club where she serves as co-captain of her improv troupe and is on the executive board. In her free time, Emi likes reading, watching movies, and designing custom-made shoes.

Emi’s research can be found on the “Our Discoveries” page of this website!

Autumn Halfpenny

Student Researcher

Autumn Halfpenny is a senior at Riverside Brookfield High School in Brookfield, Illinois.

Autumn is proud to be a woman and wants to continue advocating for gender equality by commemorating the strong women of the past through True Resilience. The women she writes about have taken huge strides towards equality and cannot be forgotten.

Autumn is a part of many extracurricular activities including Student Association, the Association of Students for Tolerance, and FCCLA, of which she is the vice president. Outside of school, Autumn can be found volunteering at her local Ronald McDonald House, playing guitar, baking, going to concerts, jamming out to Taylor Swift, or watching Netflix.

Check out the “Our Discoveries” page to see her work!

Rebecca Rranza

Student Researcher

Rebecca is a current graduate student in Women’s History at Sarah Lawrence College and lives in New York City. She joined True Resilience because she wanted to contribute her part to fashion history and feminist history.

She holds a degree in History from Michigan State University. She has always loved history. However, her love for history grew when she learned about historical figures in fashion. Her academic research interests include Haute Couture and street style fashions in the 1990s.

She also works as a stylist at BHLDN in NYC styling brides for their weddings. Her goal is to continue working in fashion after finishing graduate school and to combine her love of history and fashion into a career.

Zara Baig

Student Researcher

Zara is freshman at Stony Brook University.

Zara has always been interested in politics and is very proud of her heritage as a young Pakistani woman. As a way of bridging the two interests she began her research on Benazir Bhutto, the first female Pakistani Prime Minister.

In her free time, Zara is a Girl Scout and is working on her Gold Award, she is president of the Syosset High School Model Congress team and also president of the Youth Advisory Board at the Mary Brennan INN in Hempstead, NY. She also likes to paint, draw, and read.

More information about the life and legacy of Zara's research topic is on the discoveries page, so check it out!

Victoria Tong

Student Researcher

Victoria Tong is a senior at Half Hollow Hills High School East in New York.

She writes for True Resilience because she believes it is important to highlight forgotten women. She is especially interested in uncovering lost histories of powerful Asian women who broke traditional gender and cultural stereotypes.

Victoria participates in Speech and Debate, DECA, Girls Learn International, and she founded her school’s first National Ethics Bowl Team. She loves learning more about philosophy and has started a philosophy and ethics program for her middle school. In her free time, she enjoys reading and watching movies starring Timothee Chalamet.

Victoria's work is published here! Check it out on the Discoveries page.

Shivaanshi Mishra

Student Researcher

Shivaanshi is a sophomore at Indian School Al Wadi Al Kabir in Muscat.

She originally hails from Lucknow, India, but now lives in Muscat, Oman since 2014. Growing up in a patriarchal Indian society, she started to notice the discrimination against women, in and outside her home, at a very young age. This experience has shaped her view of a lot of things. She is passionate about advocating for women’s rights and raising her voice against gender-based violence and discrimination.

Apart from being an avid writer, she is a national level public speaker and debater, and has taken part in international MUN conferences. She is a blog team member at The Period Society and a member of her school’s student council, and plays the violin. She also loves to paint and sketch. On a free day, you will find her reading a good YA or Fantasy novel, listening to Ariana Grande, or watching a good old Bollywood movie.

You can check her articles out on the “Our Discoveries” page.